[Team Dalmat] I sang 'Mr. Music' in a seven-member chorus!
Hello, I'm Tim Dalmat, the team leader in the middle of winter.
Finally, Mr. Music '7' PROJECT, the main project of Dalmatia, which has been in preparation for eight months!
The project, which will be released on July 7 in a '7' chorus, brings together vocal recording, instrument performance, and self-styled PV video!
The song is Vocaloid, Mr. Music! I hope you can appreciate it, clouds, and steam it! '3'
Vocal * Laon, Muemu, Free, Rapunzel, Liyeon, Icecat, Bomba.
il * , 비, 모 ,
Movie * Social Living / Sub Movie * Harre
Guitar * Shaba / Piano * Sunjin
Mix * Sunjin / Director * Midwinter
Team DalcA Interactive is a sub-collective team that brings together creators from more diverse fields such as illustration, video, instrument performance, song composition, voice-woo, and others to collaborate with each other! With a total of 85 employees, Dalmat will continue to plan and produce works and deliver more sweet content to you! '3'
* All but Shaba are members of Dalian's team.
* Next project is Niseko's 2nd OP, Rally go round, Koreanization (tag), instrument performance and vocal cover.
* Suicide prevention project is being produced on September 10, the world's suicide prevention day. I look forward to it.
* Please understand that the Korean team has recorded in Japanese version since the next main project is going to be Hangul!
* The copyright of the work is in Team Daliq Interactive, and there may be strong legal sanctions against unauthorized theft.
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